Top 3 - To the Trade Dining Chairs

Top 3 - To the Trade Dining Chairs

726, A Rudin. Comfortable, sleek, works in both modern and classic interiors. Best upholstered in a solid or a small scale print. A large scale print could be effective if you work closely with your upholsterer or designer.

Pricing: 4/5

Quality: 5/5

Bruno Chair, Costantini. I love this sleek modern chair. The proportions are perfect and it looks great in leather and upholstery.

Pricing: 3/5

Quality 5/5

Sophia Chair, Baker Furniture. An elegant chair. I’d love this in velvet or silk.

Pricing: 4/5

Quality: 4/5

To the trade pieces are available through your interior designer or you can email us HERE for a custom quote.

Top 3 - Retail Dining Chairs

Top 3 - Retail Dining Chairs

To the Trade Brand - Bright Chair

To the Trade Brand - Bright Chair

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